This morning the Assembly began debate on a resolution sponsored by Disciples Peace Fellowship and others calling for the church to go on record condemning the war in Iraq as an unjust war. The resolution was referred to Reference and Council for review and revision. It will come back to the assembly floor on Wednesday.
The motion to refer the resolution cited the phrase in the resolution that the church should condemn the war on the basis that it is "contrary to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ." This phrasing could be read as a test of fellowship that only those who support the resolution could be faithful to those teachings.
Regarding the resolution itself, some speaking in favor stated that support of the resolution was consistent with Christian teaching that we are to be peacemakers. Concern was expressed over a phrase in the resolution offering support to those who choose not to take up arms, in that we might be encouraging military personnel who live under orders to pick and choose which missions they will support.
Personally, I find the resolution in conflict with itself in that it claims to bear witness to our inclusiveness, yet as written it cannot express a unified voice of the whole church.
For more information on this and other resolutions and actions taken by the General Assembly, please visit DisciplesWorld or
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